BBQ Tips I didn't know a year ago. #3

The chimney starter - Your new best friend.

My standard way to light a BBQ was to scatter fire lighter blocks within a pile of charcoal and light.

The resultant smoke billowing across gardens, with disgruntled neighbours hastily retrieving their clean washing and slamming open windows shut. All par for the course.

Until that is I was introduced to the chimney starter!

This little piece of kit might not look impressive but after the first use, it becomes clear that it is an essential weapon in the BBQ arsenal. 

All it takes is a source for the initial fire (perhaps one firelighter, piece of dry kindling or even kitchen roll soaked in veg oil) to take hold under your chosen fuel source and within 10-15mins an inferno is created.

Once placed over the heat, the charcoal takes only minutes to catch and with minimal mess or fuss creates optimum heat. Ready to be tipped into smoker, drum, grill or even cooked on direct.

The humble chimney starter is used to create the exact cooking conditions for a variety of methods. Perhaps to start a mammoth 'low and slow' cook, or to get up to super high temps for crispy chicken wings. A reliable and ever present companion.

You can pick these up from ebay, Amazon, DIY stores, garden centres and even supermarkets in the right season. 

Best of all no more upset neighbours. A must for all seasons and one of the most trusted pieces of BBQ kit you will own. 
