So the title might not mean much to most people but after a lot of research and advice from 'Ugly Drum Smoker's BBQ UK' Facebook group.
My existing UDS has a basket, I built in an earlier blog post. However many on the forums and videos believe that a Beer Can Firebucket (BCF) is the way to go.
So I had to have a go at building one. Here's a quick guide on how I did it.
First, you'll need a 20 - 30 ltr drum. I snagged this one from a local Chinese takeaway.
Then drilling out some air intake holes around the bottom of the drum. I chose to line up my holes with my UDS intakes. (About 3 inches from the base.)
After lighting a good fire in the bucket, the paint removed inside and out. I was ready for the support bolts. Three equally spaced bolts just above the air intakes (leaving enough room for hot ashes to drop into the 'void'.)
Finally adding a 'grate' to sit onto the bolts. This is in fact a cake stand, but seems to withstand the hight temps and fits perfectly. I ordered from Ebay.
I will probably post a more detailed guide, but I having tested the BCF in place of the basket, and have to report that it was higher in temperature and more steady once at around 260⁰F.
One other benefit is the amount of charcoal remaining once you shut down the UDS. It appears that the solid sides help to 'snuff out'the coals more quickly.
All in all a success. Worth a try for not much cost.
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