I did my very first Christmas meat smoke in 2019 on a very basic offset smoker bought from Amazon. At the time I hadn't learnt anything about flavours from different fuels and woods, it was all very 'trial and error' but a great intro to the world of outdoor cooking.
In 2021 I've upgraded to a number of new 'toys'. My favourite for Low & Slow is the Ugly Drum Smoker (UDS).
It holds the temperature perfectly steady and with the right fuel (Weber briquettes & Apple smoking chips, being my weapon of choice) can produce some subtle smokey & sweet flavour combinations.
This year I'm going for a 2kg Gammon joint + 1.5kg Pork Shoulder.
For the Gammon, I smothered with apple sauce and a herb selection of rosemary, thyme and pepper. Left wrapped in the fridge overnight.
For the pork shoulder I would normally cook longer and aim for that magic 207⁰ to make pulled pork. However I wanted succulent slices for the Christmas table, so opted for a just over 199⁰f target.
The UDS performed brilliantly while I got on with some side dishes. Home made pigs in blankets accompanied by a recipe from the UK BBQ Don himself - Marcus Bawdon.
Sausage meat, Black pudding, & Cranberry sauce wrapped in bacon.
If they sound delicious, it's because they are! Check out the video tutorial on YouTube.
It's a great feeling having prepared the Christmas meat yourself, rather than buying off the shelf. Guests always notice the difference in flavour. The only problem is not eating it all before the big day.
Merry Christmas Everyone.
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